Hello, my Name is Christine and I am from Germany. I came to Australia to get to know this country and the people who live here. I think really the best way to experience the "Australian lifestyle" is to work as an au pair. I was working for a family in Melbourne with 2 children.
The family treated me like a family member, told me a lot about Australia and I had enough time to explore the city. A wonderful experience which I won't forget!
Melbourne ist auch eine Millionenstadt und man kann hier sehr viel machen. Es gibt viele gute Clubs, wenn du gerne weggehst. Die Royal Botanical Gardens, Museen, viele Cafes, Restaurants, Kneipen, Lougnes (wo man auf gemuetlichen Sofas sitzt, Musik gespielt wird und man Alkohol trinken kann), viele Moeglichkeiten zum Shoppen, Kinos... Ich fuehle mich hier wie zuhause, habe viele Freunde und koennte mir vorstellen irgendwann nach Melbourne zu ziehen.
I'm not home yet but in about 17 hours. I'm in Singapore right now. Thanks again for the effort in placing me in such a nice family. I had a great time and I hope lots of other au-pairs as well. It is such a good experience. I wish you all the best for your future, thanks again,
Just a little hello! Well everything is great here.It's just a bit hot! They are such lovely people and we have a lot of fun. The kids are doing great and Archie is walking in a robot position. Poppy is big now and in a hurry to move. Thank you again, you've done a great job!! Huge kiss!
.澳洲旅遊好站相連 http://www.australia.com/home_au.aust?L=en&C=AU&Ca=
.Things to do in Melbourne & Sydney
.General affairs in Australia
.A Melbourne newspaper
.The Weather in Australia