 美國安親天使經驗分享   紐澳安親天使經驗分享

姓名 學校 職務 居住家庭
史恩蘋 景文技術學院畢業 兒童美語老師 New Mexico
游瓊姿 東海大學畢業 銷售專員 California
巫佳穗 東海大學畢業 產品專員 California
何雅梅 弘光科技大學畢業 護士 Virginia
江莉婷 台中技術學院
應屆畢業生 New York
紐澳安親天使經驗分享                      報名表下載


 其實成為Aupair最初的目標與動力是希望能有機會到英語系國家體驗不同文化及語言學習,在接到關於EurAuPair專案後,立即讓我有了一股想嘗試的衝動,正在尋求確切的資訊中,恰巧得知南非友人Melissa曾在美國成功Au Pair的經驗,即在朋友的鼓勵以及在家人的開明支持下,把握了這樣一個得來不易的機會,才使得我終於前往美國圓夢。
 懷著既期待又忐忑的心,我抵達了紐約,這是因為依照美國政府規定,我必須先要接受5天的特別安親訓練,才能正式進入我的接待家庭。當我抵達紐約的訓練營後,令我非常驚訝的是看到來自不同國家的Au Pair們,尤其是來自德國、法國的Au Pair特別的多,一下子就讓我的信心大為增加了。
 我們那一期的Au Pair人數總共98位,其中日本有7位、泰國有2位、其它則大多是德國及法國的Au Pair,台灣則只有我1 位,雖然很特別,但是如果能有一起陪伴的台灣人,一定會更開心。
這樣一個成功歸國的特別經驗,不但使我獲得了語言的增進,更豐富了我的人生,尤其對於美國文化的體認以及國際親朋好友情感的建立,更顯珍貴,讓我留下了無限美好回憶。Au Pair一年的人生旅程與經歷,成就了我的自信與未來,俗話說的好「讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路。」這一次,我是真正的體會到它的涵意了!

Dear Tony,
I'm glad that I joined the EurAupair program in America from you. Thanks all of you for making my dream come true.

There were lots things to learn, and lots people to meet while I was there. People said, I was having an adventure. First, I tried my best to get along with Kate and Quinn until we've known better. Then I devoted myself as much as I can for my American family in our life. I really appreciate that the understanding and communication that we had.

At the school, I've done two semesters of learning English. I also have taken tennis and yoga lessons. I'm very happy that I met good people when I was there. They have been very helpful in my life.

While I was in Santa Fe, I've taken the trips to California, Colorado and Louisiana with my family. I also have taken my own trips to Bandelier, Carlsbad Caverns, white sands, Florida and Canada. Teacher Laura was teasing at me said, you can't do verything in a short time. Saving some trips for next time, please! Now, I'm ready continuing my life in Taiwan. I'll do my best keep in touch with them because they were so special in my life.
Thank all of you again....

Dear Tony,
Many thanks for your reply and encouragement.
I can expect this trip will be excited and unforgetable. Most of all, I would like to thanks all of BFI Staff and assisted me to get this chance. I believe you want to know how many aupairs to get together in YMCA, N.Y.on August 18 that was same time with me. Guess what?? Total 134 auapirs. And over half are from Germany. But also have many girls comming from all over the world........
It's very interesting. I think I will keep going well as possible as I can, especially I have so many support from you and my friends.
Keep in touch and take care. Thank you all again....
Best Regards,

   當初因為換工作,無意間在人力銀行得知此Au Pair方案,很驚訝台灣竟然有此種方案。剛開始也曾懷疑其真實性,經過電話及親自詢問後,真的很高興此種方案真的已進入台灣,更覺得自己絕對不能錯過這個難得的機會。因為藉此方案,不但可以在少許的花費下在美國生活一年,更可藉由與美國家庭生活來增進英文能力與體驗美國生活。
   經過一段時間的準備,在將資料寄出後不久,即接到幾個安親家庭的電話及e-mail聯絡。透過溝通,終於選定一個位於California 的家庭而前往美國。在到達紐約並完成5天的安親訓練後,即飛往我的安親家庭。不久我的Counsellor(每幾個 Au Pairs 組成一個group,而每個group會有一個counsellor輔導協助 )即來訪,不但告知我們雙方一些規定,也提供我們尋求幫助的管道與聯繫方式。而每各月的聚會counsellor會舉辦活動或帶Au Pairs出去遊玩。Counsellor也藉此機會瞭解每個Au Pair的近況以及提供必要的協助。藉此聚會,每個人也都能與來自世界各地的Au Pair能有更進一步的相處與認識,大家不但能彼此分享當Au Pair的甘苦,更是互相打氣與扶持的朋友。在自己的空暇時間,不但可到圖書館看書,購物中心逛逛,朋友喝喝咖啡看看電影以及到海邊走走,更可到附近的大學或成人教育中心學習英文或上一些與美國歷史或美國文化有關的課程,不但能增進英文能力,更能認識更多的國際朋友。由於每週安親家庭還會給零用金,利用這些零用金,週末可跟朋友到外面逛逛街吃吃飯,或買些紀念品及禮物。在此十二個月當中還有兩週的假及完成後第十三月都可用來旅遊,因此零用金還可存起來旅遊用。
在這一年當中,不但與他們一同生活共同度過感恩節,萬聖節與聖誕節,更與他們一同滑雪,一同登山,一同露營以及一同乘著快艇遊湖划水。這一年中也認識了許多美國,台灣及其他各國的朋友,除了對美國的進一步瞭解也見到各國不同文化背景的人。除了語言能力的進步,對於美國文化的親身體驗以及與安親家庭和所有朋友培養的感情及回憶,更是彌足珍貴。Au Pair能提供你極特別的一年人生旅程,裡面有你預想不到的苦,想不到的喜,想不到驚及想不到樂。等你完成再回頭看,一切都是你一輩子受用的經驗與捨不得遺忘的記憶。

照片: http://tw.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/chiasui_wu/my_photos


何雅梅/每週200美金之Experience Aupair

這裡的顧問Sunny Peet對我很好
我有收到她寄來的信 ~ 很謝謝她
因為我的電腦出了一點問題 ~ 只能收不能寄
所以到現在才回信 ~ 真是抱歉
我今天剛從OHIO回來 ~ 跟我的Host Family回去過感恩節
剛好下了一場雪 ~ 騎了雪上摩托車 ~ 又玩雪 ~ 很開心
因為我的英文不是很好 ~ 所以跟Host Family的溝通還有待加強
但小孩子都很好 ~ 我也很喜歡我照顧的那個兩歲大的小孩
他現在會跟我玩親親了 ~ 這是我最大的成就感 ~ 因為這表示他信任我 ~ 把我當家人喔
如果有新的AuPair有任何事情想問 ~ 不介意的話
請他們隨時寫e-mail給我 ~ 我會盡快回覆他們



The Orientation in New York (Day 1 --- Day 5) 2004 August 15-20
I couldn't believe that now I am stepping on the ground of New York. Recalling that how much effort I had done (writing my autobiography, checking up my body, and getting the recommendation letters), I felt that it was worthy. I was not from a rich family, and I couldn't just come to New York for sightseeing. That was why I treat this trip as a treasure. During this orientation in New York, I met some friends, 3 from Thailand, 2 from Japan, and few others from other countries such as Germany, Brazil, and Southern Africa....etc. It was a small United Nations even though Taiwan was not a part of it. I was so excited about meeting new friends.

I watched "The Beauty and The Beast" musical. It is a gorgeous show. A symphony is under the stage and playing the music. The actor and actress's voices are both harmonious and vigorous. Walking on the Time Square, I hold my breath and excitement, thinking, " Am I dreaming? I shouldn't be here." This is the place I usually watched on TV or on a movie. Every year, I see a lot of people counting down on December 31st here. A lot of Taiwa-
nese singers record MTV on the 5th Avenue. I felt that I became fashionable and brand new from now on.

There was one night when all aupairs took a bus for sightseeing. A red and two-story bus attracted many local residents' attention. "Look at those tourists" they probably said. I didn't mind at that time because I was totally overwhelmed by these awesome scenes. The old churches, the architectures, the bridge, and Boston are not only famous but also historic. The tour guide kept talking and instructing, but I didn't really listen to what he was talking
about because my V8 was running with my hands.

The last day in New York was tough for me because I had to say good-bye to those good friends. We just began to know each other better, but we had to be apart now. How cruel it was for me. My roommate, a French girl, asked my address and email so that we could keep in touch with each other.

"It is nice meeting you, please keep in touch" I heard someone said so. I hugged my dear Jeab (from Thailand) and stepped into the bus, feeling that my tears were running in my eyes.

California Here I Come~~~~~(August 20th 2004-September 7th 2005)

When I reached California, I saw that Debby and Josh hold a sign and welcomed me. " They are so thoughtful" I said. At the same time, Jordan was hold by Alex, an ex-aupair from Germany, and Dave and Sarah were standing aside. They all showed their kindness to me. I felt really warm in my heart even though it was cool no matter inside or outside of the airport. At the first sight, I knew that they were going to be important people in my life. They
were going to teach me how to act as a lovable person, how to say I love you, how to deal with difficulties, and how to educate kids. Actually, I was influenced not only by these things, but also by something much deeper.

I became much bolder. I tried many things for my first time such as skiing, ice skating, attending a wedding in America, and playing music with a band.

I knew that I wouldn't have opportunities to do these if I hadn't come here as an aupair. My host mom and dad always encouraged me to try and taste it afterwards. It is life, and I should make it colorful and bright as possible as I can. My host mom is a living example for me. She always tries to make things special and interesting. For example, one time when we were on a highway to go to Reno, she asked me to roll down the window and put the righ hand out. I followed her instruction and then she said, "Pull your hands in the air twice when a big truck is next to our car." I did it and I heard " Ba~ Ba ~" because the driver pulled the horn line. I was surprised and excited. It was really fun during our boring driving.

The trips I took with the Levy's during the year were Long Beach, LA, Hollywood, Reno, San Diego, Lake Tahoe, and Washington State. During the winter break, we went to Long Beach and LA. During the spring break, we went to Lake Tahoe for skiing. During the summer break, I went to Washington State and San Diego. There was too much fun to be described. Skiing was my first time, and I tried my best to learn it. I didn't feel cold at all because it is a kind of sports that I need to act a lot. I don't know if I can control it well now, but I definitely want to play it again.

I had been to Yellowstone National Park, and this time I went to Yosemite and Kings Canyon National Parks. I admire the majestic beauty of nature, knowing that the environment should be protected forever. I appreciated the waterfalls, the trials, the black bears, and other animals. Getting in touch with the natures made me talk to myself and let my body relax. The fresh air is hard to get in cities, not to mention about Taiwan.

Before I left for home, Debby and Dave gave me a birthday & farewell party. They invited 28 people to my home and we had a great time together. Socializing is such an important part in this family. I cherished every one I met because I had no idea if I would see them in the future. I was blessed to have them as my family and friends. Just like what Debby and Dave told me, " Once you are a part of this family, you are always welcome to come home and
to stay with us." Who can be so lucky to hear this sentence?

Someone asked me if my English was improved a lot. I couldn't tell if it was, but I just knew that I had a great experience with the Levy's, and I grew up a lot, which is beyond words!

From Sandy Chiang

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